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Workshop Hats through the ages

The Mission Museum organises a lecture on hat fashion.

Saturday 23 March 2024 

Wil Gorter (Hat Museum 'Put 'm on') talks about the history of millinery. Wil is an expert in this field. The Birds of God exhibition features hats from her collection. Wil elaborates on her collection: hat fashion for men and women, regional costumes and professional caps, headwear for believers and sportsmen, hats for recognition. Hat making is also discussed. Wil takes you on a journey through the world of hats!

'Bring your hat and put it on!'

The lecture will starts at 12.00 and at 14.00

Participation is free, special entrance fee €8.50. Museum card valid. E-ticket = your registration. Be quick!

Application deadline = 10 March 2024.

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